What MBTI type are you?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment has been around for quite a long time. It’s used widely by individuals, groups, corporations to determine the type of personal traits that are uniquely attributed to a group of people. Basing off of the 16 combinations, decisions can be made in employment (some companies make the test compulsory for candidates before they actually get hired), choosing work partner, even the significant other, and so on so forth.

I did the questionnaire a long time ago and I didn’t remember what I got. I never gave it serious thoughts anyway. Yesterday in my Negotiation and Dispute Resolution class we each took time to take the test again. It could have been great for me to see if I’ve changed over the years by looking at the past and present test results, but oh well.

My type is INFJ. According to a chart that my professor showed, which I also embedded below, INFJ people account for only 2% despite having no specific characteristics that set themselves apart from others. Nevertheless, that’s not what I really looked into. What I mused over was the possible career choices that the chart rendered. I saw Human Resources!! There was a moment when my head went OMG, really? I’ve been always asking myself if I’m in the right direction doing what I should be doing. Now that I saw the suggestions align with my path, I felt somewhat secured.

But  the feeling didn’t last long.

After reading quite a lot information about my career prospects in the US, I felt doomed. It can be good elsewhere, but it wouldn’t allow me to stay where I want to stay. This restless frustration over H1B or to not H1B led me to question myself: Why didn’t I do something else? Like Accounting, Finance, Supply Chain, and all that sorts. While I clearly know why I didn’t choose to major in all the aforementioned majors, I thought I could have adjusted myself a little bit, at least if I want to stay here. I like Finance, I’m ok with Accounting, and I’m able to learn, and I could even develop a liking attitude toward things that I didn’t like before if I buckle down and do the work. Of course majoring in Accounting, Finance, and other in-trend majors wouldn’t guarantee me any permanent employment. It was just my unreasonable self argued with my reasonable self.

Enough thoughts about career. Now to personality. I am pretty confident that I’m an extrovert but all the results say the otherwise. I understand why now. However, you can totally be an introvert and comfortable around people and vice versa. I just thought I would learn to enjoy the time I have with myself more.


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